Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Accomplishments

Since Braden's appointments are really starting to lessen, we are actually forgetting to update on his progress. He is doing so well! His newest accomplishments are sitting with support, flipping from tummy to back, and discovering how to make a noisy slurping sound by sucking his bottom lip. He keeps practicing that last one, so he won't forget how to do it. Our little girls think this is especially hilarious.

Last week Braden had his monthly physical therapy session. The therapist was pleased with his progress and gave us some activities to work with him on, like encouraging exploration of toys that make sound (cause and effect, curiosity). She also wants him to build his core muscles while supported sitting and to work on going from back to tummy.

We don't know Braden's current weight, but he is sure eating a lot. His appetite has grown. He has started grabbing whoever is holding him by the hair, whiskers, neck skin, whatever!, with both hands and sucking on their face. Kind of like a slimy kiss but it really means "Feed me now!"

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